
Sunday, October 30, 2011

RAK from Gwen (ericschic65)

Hello! I wanted to share with you a REALLY random act of kindness from one of the Facebook squirrelly sisters! Gwen who is ericschic65 on YouTube makes and alters these molds of dress forms as well as makes pin cushions. She posted a picture of the dress form asking what she should name her and I said you should name her "It's Yours Tanya!" and the next thing I know I get a private message from Gwen saying it is mine! I received the package the other day and not only did she send me the dress form but a matching pin cushion with stick pins! It is all red and is my favorite color and they are just beautiful.

Check out the pictures below and my RAK video by clicking here.

I just want to say that the crafting community is such a wonderful community to be apart of! I have met some really great individuals over the last year! I have been inspired by so many in the community as well! Thank you again Gwen, you rock!

<3 TVG

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